Friday Favorites!
Today’s the day! The start to our 21-22 school year. I had a parent of one of my kids ask if I was ready this week. I thought it would be unsettling for her to say “Noooooooo…NEVER!” haha but that’s how I feel. I love my job and I know it’s my place to be, but gosh it’s going to be so hard to tell my two I’ll see them later. Sharing mostly their faces in my Friday Favorites today. Because I’ve soaked them up a little extra this week!
This chick has been busy with swim lessons every evening this week! and because this other chick is in the pool with her saying “noooo, let’s not get out just yet” when she says “I all done. I not need it” hahha, this is the only picture we have to prove it;)
We announced this week the date of our FALL MARKET! Bring on the pumpkins, fresh fall produce, Fall decor and tons more! We already have 45 vendors signed up for our little town!
Landry James with two little big girl things…
First, when I plated my supper one night, she said “mommy picture…mommy PICTURE!” and she scooted my plate and handed me my phone! ha! She thought this supper was picture worthy apparently. Chicken Mango Tacos are a favorite:)
She did a pretty great job!
Oh and a bonus big girl thing…my little charcuterie girl:)
Hey big (almost) 7 month old girl. I love you. I’ll miss you. You’re that “more than I could ever ask or think” kinda blessing. We’ve had the best 7 months..well like 5, those first two….geez ;)
Hush Momma, I’m fine:)
My girls, my girls.
We love to wake Landry from her nap together:)
I have a set of 21-22 Academic Year printable calendars! Message me if your year runs this way too and you’d like a copy!
I’m off to steal my sleeping girls from bed and cuddle them till the last possible minute. hope you have the best Friday!
Seasonally yours,