June Printable Calendar + May Recap
Yayyyy for a new month! Philip told me yesterday that the high today is 80!! What a great start to June! If you’d like a free Printable Calendar for the month of June, click here!
Nothing better than a clean calendar to fill with summer fun!
Now on to a little May recap!
We celebrated Lovie, Grump, Mawmaw and Papa’s birthdays!
and Mother’s Day!
Ate lots of these!
and some of these too:)
Planted some trees!
Philip fixed up the potting bench he had been dreaming up!
and just this week, we started up “The Market at Landry Lane” again:)
If you don’t know what that is… last year, when we had a surplus of vegetables, we put baskets at the gate of “Landry Lane” and filled them with vegetables for friends and neighbors to come get so they didn’t go to waste. Landry Lane is a path my dad cut and gated at two ends of his pasture so that we could cross it to get to each others houses without being on the road if we wanted to stroll with the kids or ride the side by side. :) The other end has a sign that says “Declan Drive” for my nephew that lives at the dead end of my parents’ road. We got Logan’s sign up this month too!
This year, Philip built a flower bed and revamped our vegetable baskets to look more like a vegetable stand. It’s so fun to have friends and other people of the community stop by. Sometimes we get to visit, some tag us on Facebook and some just enjoy them without us even knowing who all came by:)
We have a jar there and let everyone know when we post that Farmer Landry works on the honor system and if you’d like to leave a small something, that it’s much appreciated. When starting this, we did so with the understanding that it all may end up just being given away, but SO many have been so very generous to our girls and we are always thankful! Landry is old enough this year to spot something in the jar and get excited that someone stopped by:)
This month was even more full than I thought and I really truly don’t think I filled my car with gas one time! hahah! Hoping June brings lots of fun in the sun…and water also:)
Seasonally yours,